Steve Venter

I have a passion for people, backgrounds in education and business and a value proposition of operational efficiency and product leadership.

After some teaching, I joined the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) where I worked on assessment studies and traffic safety research. I then moved on into management and administration and was the Group Administrator for the research group for Economic and Social Analysis at the HSRC before joining Spellbound, a human development company. I was also a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Education of UNISA.

I am a director of the Institute for Technology, Strategy and Innovation (ITSI) and also the Operations Manager. I manage various projects in the education, training and development in the corporate and tertiary education sectors; specifically in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environments.

I grew up in the Free Sate platteland. I love the outdoors and am a keen participant of golf and tennis. My wife Elaine and kids Renier and Jolette and dog Zoë complete my picture.

B.A. (Ed), B.A. (Hon.), B.Ed., MBL